2月21日的主題-- God’s promises 上帝的應許

2月21日的空英課程主題是 God’s promises(上帝的應許)。

Has anyone ever broken a promise to you? Have you ever broken a promise you made to someone?

Isaiah was a person who knew a lot about promises. He lived about 2700 years ago, and he was a prophet. During Isaiahʼs time, the people of God were under attack. People from other countries were trying to kill them and take their land. God promised his people, through Isaiah, that he would send a Savior. The people waited, and waited, and after awhile became angry with God. They thought he had broken his promise to them. Have you ever felt this way? Godʼs timing and Godʼs plan can be different from what we want. But God is faithful. He keeps his promises, even when people sometimes doubt him.

“Remember your promise to me, your servant; it has given me hope. Even in my suffering I was comforted because your promise gave me life.”~ Psalms 119:49-50


時間:107年2月21日(星期三) 中午12:30-13:30

2月7日的主題-- Generosity 樂善好施

2月7日的空英課程主題是 Generosity(樂善好施)。

Most people enjoy being generous. To give someone a small amount of money, time, or help makes us feel good. But most of us reach a point where we say, “Okay, I’ve given enough. I have to take care of myself now.” However, there are some people whose generosity is amazing. It seems to have no limits. What do you think about people like this? Many of us admire these people, but not many of us would want to have their lifestyle of sacrifice. What is the secret of being whole-heartedly generous all the time?


“He who gives to the poor will lack nothing.”~ Proverbs 28:27


時間:107年2月7日(星期三) 中午12:30-13:30