3月21日的主題-- Facing Fear 勇者無懼

3月21日的空英課程主題是 Facing Fear(勇者無懼)。

Are you afraid of spiders? Heights? Speaking in public? Some people are afraid of the water, but it is still good for them to learn how to swim. Children might be afraid to go to school, but they have to face this fear as well. We teach them that facing fear is part of life. But most of us still have fears that we don’t want to face; fears so big we think we can never conquer them. What can we do about fears this big? In a world full of fear, how can we learn to live fearlessly?


“The Lord is with me, I will not be afraid; what can anyone do to me?” ~ Psalm 118:6-7


時間:107年3月21日(星期三) 中午12:30-13:30

3月7日的主題-- Security 安全感

3月7日的空英課程主題是 Security(安全感)。

We have so many things to make us feel secure, and we are always inventing more. We have locks, alarms, security cameras, emergency phone numbers, police, firemen, security guards at banks and hospitals, passwords on our computers, streetlights, and cell phones, just to name a few. But even with all these reasons to feel safe, many of us don’t. Where can we find true security?

“But whoever listens to me will have security. He will be safe, with no reason to be afraid.” ~ Proverbs 1:33
「但那聽從我的人必然安全;他要享受康寧,不怕災害。」~箴言 1:33


時間:107年3月7日(星期三) 中午12:30-13:30