1月3日的主題-- Gratitude 感恩的心

1月3日的空英課程主題是 Gratitude(感恩的心)。

What are you grateful for? About how many times each day do you say “thank you” to someone? Remembering to say “thank you,” even for a very small favor, is important. It can make someoneʼs day. It can be a step towards fixing a broken relationship. Thinking about what is good in every situation can create a spirit of true gratitude in our hearts. And having a grateful heart can change the way we look at our lives. It can turn a little into enough, a meal into a feast, a stranger into a friend.


I will always thank the Lord; I will never stop praising him. ~ Psalm 34:1


時間:107年1月3日(星期三) 中午12:30-13:30

