6月6日的主題--Resolving Conflicts 解決衝突

6月6日的空英課程主題是 Resolving Conflicts(解決衝突)。

Who is someone you don’t get along with? How do you deal with that person? Resolving conflicts is a challenge we all have to face. When we are angry and hurt, we sometimes say things we don’t mean. Sometimes we don’t say anything at all, and just keep our anger inside.
The Bible tells us we should “speak the truth in a spirit of love” (Ephesians 4:15) when we have conflicts with each other. This can be really hard! How can we learn to resolve our conflicts, and make our relationships stronger? How can we tell people they have hurt us, without hurting them?

“Remember this, my dear friends! Everyone must be quick to listen, but slow to speak and slow to become angry.” ~ James 1:19
「我親愛的弟兄姊妹們,你們每一個人都應該隨時聆聽別人的意見,不急於發言,更不要輕易動怒。」~雅各書 1: 19


時間:107年6月6日(星期三) 中午12:30-13:30

