7月4日的主題--Pride and Humility 驕傲與謙卑

7月4日的空英課程主題是 Pride and Humility(驕傲與謙卑)。

What is something you are proud of? When someone gives you a compliment, how do you usually respond? Pride is an interesting subject. It can have good meanings and bad meanings. If somebody says, “I take pride in my work,” or “I’m so proud of my children” – these are usually good things. But the Bible has many strong warnings against pride. In fact, the Bible says that pride is the beginning of destruction (Proverbs 18:12). How can we be confident without being proud? How can we be humble and still be strong?
你為哪些事感到驕傲?當有人稱讚你時,你通常如何回應?驕傲是個有趣的主題,它可以是好的意思,也可以是不好的意思。如果有個人說,「我以我的工作為榮(感到驕傲)或是「我以我的兒女為榮(感到驕傲)」—這都是好事。但是聖經針對驕傲有許多強烈的警告。事實上,聖經說:狂傲的人招毀滅。(箴言18:12 ) 我們如何有自信而又不驕傲呢?謙卑仍又剛強呢?

“Pride leads to destruction, and arrogance to downfall.” ~ Proverbs 16:18


時間:107年7月4日(星期三) 中午12:30-13:30

