7月18日的主題--Understanding Loneliness 認識寂寞

7月18日的空英課程主題是 Understanding Loneliness(認識寂寞)。

What is loneliness? What are some causes of loneliness? What do you usually do when you feel lonely? Everyone feels lonely sometimes. If you go to a new school, move to a new city, or start a new job, you might feel like you don’t fit in with everyone else. Or if you stay at the same school, city, or job for a long time you might start to feel like none of your friends really understand you. You might think, “If only I had a best friend,” or, “If only I had a boyfriend/girlfriend.” or “If only my family spent more time with me, I would never be lonely again.” But even if you have a wonderful family, best friend, or boyfriend/girlfriend, they can’t be with you all the time. How can we keep from feeling lonely, even if we are alone?
什麼是寂寞?寂寞的原因有哪些?當你感到寂寞時,你通常做些什麼事來排解呢?每個人有時都會感到寂寞。如果你進入新學校就讀,搬到一個新的城市,或是開始 一份新的工作,你或許會感到你與別人格格不入。或者,如果你在同樣的學校、城市、或工作待了很長一段時間,你或許會覺得你的朋友沒有一個真正了解你。你或許會想,「如果我有一個摯友就好了」或是,「如果我有一個男朋友/女朋友就好了」或是,「如果我的家人能在更多時間陪我,我就再也不會感到寂寞了」。但是,即使你有一個很棒的家庭,最要好的朋友,或是男朋友/女朋友,他們也無法總是和你在一起。我們即使在獨處的時候,如何能避免寂寞?

“Father to the fatherless, defender of widows – this is God, whose dwelling is holy. God places the lonely in families; he sets the prisoners free and gives them joy.”~Psalm 68:5-6
「上帝住在祂的聖殿裡;祂看顧孤兒,保護寡婦。祂使孤獨的人有家可歸,使被囚的人重獲自由。」~詩篇68 : 5-6


時間:107年7月18日(星期三) 中午12:30-13:30

